Revision Points for EPA … Part 1

So this week, in amongst leading the crisis team around the current COVID-19 pandemic, I have been trying to prepare for my professional discussion and project presentation for End Point Assessment.   I thought I’d share some of my thoughts with you:

  • Health & Safety Act 1974
    • Section 2 requires employers as far as reasonably practicable to ensure the safety and welfare of all employees including safe plant and equipment, safe handling transport and storage of substances and particles, provision of instruction information, guidance and supervision, safe place of work including access and egress, adequate welfare facilities, a written safety policy and consultation with safety representative
    • Section 7 covers duties of employees to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and others affected by their acts or omissions.  Employees should cooperate with employers to enable them to fulfil their legal obligation – by attending training and following safe operating procedures.
    • Section 8 asks the employees do not misuse or interfere with the safety provisions
  • Equality – ensuring every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. No one should have a poorer chance or life choice because of the way they were born, where they came from, what they believe or whether they have a disability.
  • Diversity – encompasses acceptance and respect.  An understanding that each individual is unique and recognises our individual differences
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Disability
    • Gender re-assignment
    • Sexual Orientation
    • Marriage or civil partnership
    • Pregnancy
  • Inclusion – embrace all people irrespective of race gender, disability etc.  Equal access and opportunity.  Getting rid of discrimination and intolerance. Removal of barriers.
  • British Values
    • Democracy – the state of society characterised by equality of rights and privilege, electoral processes, etc.
    • Rule of Law – all people and institutions are subject to, and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced.
    • Individual liberty – freedom to express rights generally seem as outside government control
    • Mutual respect – proper regard for an individual’s dignity. Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, or no faith
  • Safeguarding – protecting vulnerable adults or children from abuse or neglect
    • Vulnerable – elderly, young, mental health issues, learning or physical disabilities
    • The Children’s Act 2004 – safeguarding responsibilities of local authorities
    • The Care Act 2014
    • Empowerment – support for vulnerable adults so that they confidently make their own decisions and give informed consent regarding their care
    • Protection – providing support and representation for those in greatest need.  Putting measures in place to help stop abuse and support those at risk. Companies should provide training on how to recognise the signs of abuse or neglect and where to go to for help.
    • Prevention – taking a proactive approach to stop safeguarding concerns from developing.  Prevention is the most critical principle of care.  Even after being freed from neglect or abuse, people may suffer long lasting physical and psychological damage
    • Proportionality – ensuring we utilise preventative measures to respond to safeguarding concerns in the most unobtrusive way possible.  Consider the needs of the individual.
    • Partnership – employers should partner with local services and communities to prevent, detect and report suspected cases of neglect and abuse.
    • Accountability – transparent about, and take responsibility for all, the safeguarding practices we use to support vulnerable people.  Keep the vulnerable person as well as their nominated carer, update about any decisions you make in the interest of safeguarding.
  • The Prevent Duty – places a responsibility on employers with apprentices or students on placement and training providers to ensure British Values are embedded into training and general employee behaviour.  Includes monitoring for extremism and radicalisation.  The Prevent Strategy was published in 2011 by the government as part of the overall counter terrorism strategy – CONTEST.
    • Respond to the ideology, challenge of terrorisms and the threat faced from those who promote it
    • Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given advice and support
    • Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks or radicalisation that we need to address.
    • 4 P’s
      • Prevent – to stop a vulnerable person becoming a terrorist or supporting terrorism.  Challenging those who promotes it, supporting individuals who are vulnerable, working with sectors and institutions where the risk of radicalisation is assessed to be high
      • Pursue – to stop terrorist attacks by detecting, prosecuting and otherwise disrupting those who plot to carry out attacks against the UK or its overseas assets
      • Protect – strengthen protection against terror attacks in the UK or against its assets overseas and reduce the vulnerability.  Focuses on border security, transport systems, national infrastructure and public places.
      • Prepare – to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack where the attack cannot be stopped.  This includes work to bring a terrorist attach to an end and to increase the UK resilience so the country can removed from its aftermath

As a HR Manager, these are everyday principles and therefore as our training repertoire expands, I expect this to be easily embedded into the programmes. 

This month we were approved as a Highfield delivery centre. Something I have been working on for several months and enables us to deliver training internally, reducing the cost and lost production time. Once we get through this pandemic we can start to introduce formal training to our teams and hopefully increase their skills, knowldege, behaviours and more importantly, morale. I hope by them seeing the investment, they feel more valued and see how they fit in the bigger pricutre.

Dream big